Monday, 10 March 2014

It's Up hill All The Way - Joan Raleigh

With apologies to Christina Rossetti.

It's Up hill All The Way - Joan Raleigh

Is the road "no entry" all the way?
Yes, to the very end.
Will the journey from town take the whole long day?
Not far off it, my friend.

But is there, somewhere, a short cut to take,
to reach home when the slow, dark hours entwine?
May not a diversion be a mistake?
You cannot ignore that sign.

Shall I meet a queue at a traffic light,
those who have gone before?
Then can I hoot, or brake when just in sight?
They'll not keep you forevermore.

Shall I find comfort, at least by mid week?
On radio you shall hear the sum.
Does the chance of an open road still look bleak?
Yea, join the club, old chum.

Joan Raleigh

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