Sunday, 16 March 2014

If Your Thoughts Drift - Kathy Figueroa

If your thoughts drift
To dragons and
Wizards and things
Like enchanted forests
And magic rings
Or a flying horse
With feathered wings
That can run like the wind
And then soar...

If you sit on a rock
Sometimes and stare
At the top of a hill
That looks awfully bare
And you think it
Would look better
With a castle there
Otherwise the view
Is just a bore...

If you're weary of
Watching leaves move
In the breeze
And you find that
You're having fantasies
About seeing
A tyrannosaur
Emerge from the trees
And then roar...

Well, it can be said
With certainty
That you have
And creativity
Maybe even
Artistic ability
So why not
Express yourself?
Because that's what
Art is for...

Kathy Figueroa

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