Sunday, 2 March 2014

It's Time To Clear Out The Attic - Janet

It's time to clear out the attic.
So much clutter's been hidden away.
Held just in case it was needed
kept safe for another day.
Take a deep breath and imagine
a neat and well ordered place.
Not a scrambled array of memories
with nothing in the right place.
A cobwebbed corner of photographs
of faces whose lights are now stars.
I'll look at them now and again
and send them a kiss from afar.
There's a box of half finished projects
that were good thoughts at the time.
Better let go and discard them
so new ideas come to mind.
The suitcase that stands in the centre
hastily packed, filled with fears.
Open the lock and release them
throw away all the bad years.
There's room for the things I will keep now.
The memories too precious to go.
I'll keep them safe and protect them
with love and warmth they will glow.
So, all is straight and in order.
Only the best left behind.
Now I can lie here contented
clear in the attic of my mind.


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