Thursday, 5 September 2013

Dad - Tony Robert

You were always there when I was small
Questions I’d ask you knew it all
As I made my way through school
You told me not to act the fool
Hold up your head, give them a grin
That way in life you’ll always win
Words of wisdom you always had
That’s what made you special Dad

Now you’re gone I think of you
And wonder what you would do
If in my place you were stood
Would you still be right and good?
Sometimes think that I’ve messed up
Been a failure through the years
Now my kids have gone and grown up
I still have doubts and fears

Know you weren’t the perfect Dad
But you always had my respect
Loved you even when you were bad
Your children you’d never neglect
Just wish I’d told you how I felt
Before you passed away
Loved you then, miss you now
Every single day

Sept 10th 1929 – Nov 17th 2001

Tony Robert

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