Pacing anxiously up and down, how I worried waiting there,
until my cabin door bursting open, filled with an icy stare.
A vision of beauty, perfection, all I could do was smile,
as frantic fears dissolving, lifted my heart a mile.
No greater relief could exist, than that within my breast,
my love for a wandering lady, who put me to this test.
Laughing aloud in deepest joy, unable to conceal desire,
I urged a welcome quickly, to a place beside the fire.
Where logs seemed to glow more brightly, fuelled by her perfection,
while wind outside howled cruelly, indignant at rejection.
As I wrapped my arms so tightly, around her trembling frame,
whispering words of love, repeating, again and again her name.
Ice cold water dripping, from tangled, matted hair,
she glared, indignant, at my over-zealous care.
Though I felt I should be angry, at reckless desire to go,
wandering alone in moonlight, out there in freezing snow.
Yet how could I speak of danger, how could I explain my fright,
knowing she loves the snow, I could never deny her right.
So concealing my dismay, I pretended not to mind instead,
as a sopping-wet dog, my lady, sought refuge in my once dry bed.
R.I.P. `Indy` Half Husky)Bannf, Canada.
Alan Marquis
Monday, 30 September 2013
Blog Archive
- Warmth - Alan Marquis
- London Too Loud - Diane Scantlebury
- Toni - Sap - Lake - Fred Williamson
- Like A River - Kathy Figueroa
- The Waves - Oliver Thompson
- Rewind - Richard Fleming
- When September Turns To Rain - Lyndon Queripel
- Telegram Boy - Alan Marquis
- Bat - Cave - Fred Williamson
- Angels Don't Play This H.A.A.R.P - Lyndon Queripel
- Nameless Fears - Alan Marquis
- Dad - Tony Robert
- Monument of Hell - Fred Williamson
- The Poet - John Buchanan
- Meditation - Diane Scantlebury
- Flapping Duck - Fred Williamson
- La Coupee, Sark - Jenny Hamon
- Forgive Me - Diane Scantlebury
- Bamboo Train - Fred Williamson
- A Light In The Sky - Kathy Figueroa