Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Like A River - Kathy Figueroa

I guess life can be like a river
With rapids and deep hidden whirlpools,
And waterfalls you tumble over
If you keep the company of fools.

And you can quickly get pulled under
By dangerous hidden snags and rocks;
You have to watch what a person does
Not just listen to how someone talks.

If 'twas possible to live again
And always view life through wisdom's eyes,
I'd never be wounded or weary
From grievous duplicity or lies.

I'd always know what was the right choice
And away from the wrong I could steer;
I'd have that twenty/twenty vision
Which, in hindsight, is always so clear.

But the sky wouldn't be lovelier
Than it is at this moment I write;
The flowers just couldn't be finer
Or present a more beautiful sight.

Though life can be like a great river,
Either calm or treacherous and swift,
Waterlilies bloom along its banks
And it's all a most glorious gift.

Kathy Figueroa

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