Saturday, 12 May 2012

Two In Hand - Alec Jackson

Those who see, recognise the bond;

Interlaced, they are stronger
these two, who stand almost sovereign
lifting each other high
amid up-drafts, so to fly.

Those who watch, understand the tie;

The fingers entwine
and the spaces between are filled
yet they are NOT the other.
A cumulus forte, borne of a unique fit.

Those who know, wait for the realised truth.

Both hands are capacious,
independent for themselves
but when made as one,
Are immovable.

And to those for whom hope seems distant, they are moved by the scene.

God knew well their images,
their purpose and need,
such did he create them;
mirror to each, the mirror.

Even so, for the two in hand...
this is but a transitory moment.
The 'now' between 'were' and 'will be'.
One grasps beyond this day
and one lingers in a wistful, hope deluded spirit.
The two, within, are apart.
All there is left? The dream;
The dream that weeps that such dreams should never exist.

Alec Jackson

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