Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Living with a Cat - Jenny Hamon

You’ll never understand in time,
The mysterious mind of a feline.
You may live together many happy years,
Not knowing what’s between the ears!

What dreams go on inside his head?
The paws are twitching, asleep in bed.
He’s stalking birds on the lawn,
But just too tired, Oh big yawn.

He prowls the night on velvet paws,
To catch a rodent in his jaws.
It’s so much fun to take them home,
And leave for Mum to have a moan.

The firey eyes that pierce the night,
Are spotted in the car’s headlight.
Crouching, watching, paused to pounce
On some poor unsuspecting mouse.

He has an independant air,
But he’s a pussycat, to be fair.
He loves a scratch behind his ear,
And a tummy rub if you are near.

But how to understand a cat,
Is an enigma, but remember that
A cat will choose where he will live,
And unrequited love will give.

Jenny Hamon

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