Sunday, 1 March 2020
The Rhyme of the Obstinate Boy - Tony Gardner
I rested so sad and downhearted
In the fields where the buttercups grow
Where the cows chewed the cud and then farted
The only music they know
The drone of the flies was sweet buzzing
And the Crows were a-cawing on high
Then I thought once again of my cousin
Who I last saw in Ardingly
He was chewing the grass and chanting
The Rhyme of the Obstinate Boy
Who refused to say Grace at the table
But was full of such curious joy
I do not pretend to have knowledge
Of such wonderful words that are said
But I try to keep on bib bib bobbing
And to keep my fingertips red
So that's why I sit in the stubble
Where the cows fart and buttercups grow
Sad and depressed and downhearted
It's the only joy that I know
Know know know
Know know know
Tony Gardner
Tony Gardner
Blog Archive
- Covidiocy - Donald Keyman
- Covid Insanity - Diane Scantlebury
- Self-Isolating - Tony Gardner
- Something's Gonna Get Ya - Stephen A. Roberts
- The Death Song - Ian Duquemin
- True Romance - Richard Fleming
- What a pity, about Aunt Kitty - Tony Bradley
- Diet Chocolate - V. Bean
- The Rhyme of the Obstinate Boy - Tony Gardner