Wednesday, 18 March 2020
Something's Gonna Get Ya - Stephen A. Roberts
The dinosaurs never watched TV
But they knew they’d die eventually
Just something in the air they sensed
Wasn’t right, it was no coincidence
Bronty craned her neck to see
The approaching calamity
The Sun had gone she wondered why
No Pterodactyls crossed the sky
Tyrannosaurus wasn’t bored
He was working on his hoard
His massive bones were later found
With a pile of creatures all around
Even Stego the herbivorous charmer
Felt an itch beneath his armour
And worried that there might be a chance
That he’d soon run out of plants
So each of them found their own way
To face their final judgement day
And one by one they fell down dead
Asleep forever in their fossil beds
Stephen A. Roberts
Stephen A. Roberts
Blog Archive
- Covidiocy - Donald Keyman
- Covid Insanity - Diane Scantlebury
- Self-Isolating - Tony Gardner
- Something's Gonna Get Ya - Stephen A. Roberts
- The Death Song - Ian Duquemin
- True Romance - Richard Fleming
- What a pity, about Aunt Kitty - Tony Bradley
- Diet Chocolate - V. Bean
- The Rhyme of the Obstinate Boy - Tony Gardner