Wednesday, 17 July 2019

2020 Vision - Joan Etoile

Such an act of brilliant trickery
Of this tiniest island state
To elevate itself beyond pinprickery
And punch way above its weight

Because - we built the steps of cathedrals
And were visited by Saints from Rome
Our Duke controlled old Mercia
And Hugo called it home

The Führer was besotted
By the gem in the silver sea
They were our darkest hours
Until we were all set free

Great times then came upon us
Wealth that we still see
From money, fruit and flowers
All free of VAT

But now we're like dumbwalkers
Staring at our phones
We can't decide on progress
Or hiding in our homes

Once there were great leaders
Who ordered quays and reservoir
But to build the Route Militaire today
Would surely be a Bridge too far

Maybe in 2020
Our vision will be so
And we'll only vote for deputies
Who'll make this island grow

Joan Etoile

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