Wednesday, 24 July 2019

The Body Keeps The Score - Kate Gallienne

As I stand in my garden, surrounded by trees
I question what’s real and what’s not
My senses inhale the nature around
My memory brings back the forgot

See my body remembers what my mind's erased
Taking me back in time
As if I was reliving the past that was
I begin to question my mind

I am safe here, it is not true
The feelings I feel deep inside
I look to the outside instead of within
I begin to question my mind

Confusion reigns as I’m torn between
Myself and all that I know
How can I trust my feelings
When to do so, I’d let myself go

So I hold on tight to this day and time
I breathe into myself again
I steady my body which soothes my mind
Bringing me back today…and then…

Calmly and slowly I begin to heal
Understanding the disconnect
For my body remembers what happened
Whilst my mind it's tried hard to forget.

Kate Gallienne

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