I feel you
waiting, watching
ready to catch me when I fall
I know you are there
waiting to envelop me
grip me tight and not let me go
I could run from you
but I don't have the strength
you are stronger than I ever could be
I want to fight you
I need you to go now
repeating my mantra
tomorrow is another day
the tunnel light fades
your arms embrace me
a strong hold
I am yours yet again
Sharon Dando
Sunday, 17 July 2016
Blog Archive
- They could be aliens - Tony Bradley
- Don't Doggy Doo - Donald Keyman
- Death Is My Shadow - Lyndon Queripel
- Negativity Poem - Chris Hudson
- Again - Trudie Shannon
- Battle Ensues - Sharon Dando
- Good News Doesn't Sell Newspapers - Lester Queripel
- Driving Ambition - Jerry Hattrick
- Their Day Will Last Forever - Trudie Shannon
- The Youth App - Ian Duquemin
- Brexit - Donald Keyman