Sunday, 2 June 2013

There Are No Words - Aindre Reece-Sheerin

There are no words for a love won, cherished and lost
For the emptiness, I feel inside, in my head, in my routine
And God and you know how much I hated, routine
But I always felt safe, warm and needed when you were there

There are no words, for the shorter shopping list
The missed off treats for those picnics in front of the fire when the rains came instead of the planned, sunshine
And not watching our favourite programme on the BBC

There are no words for the pregnant pauses now in conversations, when friends accidentally mention your name
And then freeze, not wanting to hurt me, but not realizing that I need to hear your name, not just in my head or when I call you in the night

There are no words, for I cannot express, how much I miss you
There are no words, to describe the intensity, the anger I feel
There are no words, to share what I would do to have one more hour
There are no words, There are no words, there are, no, words

Aindre Reece-Sheerin
For Anna Heim

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