Saturday, 1 June 2013

Competition Winner - May 2013
The Signs of Indecision - Adrian Osborne

Image Source: John Buchanan

The image above is called 'Rude Awakening '. It was taken by John Buchanan.

Competition - May 2013 - The Signs of Indecision - Adrian Osborne

Sometimes ? You'll reach a crossroads in your life,
To the left ? the grass seems greener,
To the right ? unwanted strife ?
You can't continue straight ahead ?
You're unable to U-Turn ?
You're standing at a crossroads,
and your "choices" seem to "burn" ?
These are just the "shattered signs"
of the fragile human mind !!
We forget, sometimes, the simple truth -
"Be Good, Have Fun, Be Kind" !!

Be careful when you choose your route,
Apply those "Golden Rules"
A road walked any other way ?
Is a path that's trod by fools !!

Sometimes ? it's hard to do what's right,
and that awkward question ? "begs" -
"Can you make an omelette,
without the use of broken eggs ?"
In reality ? That question makes "A crossroad within choice" !!
In reality ? we simply need to seek our calmer "inner voice"...

The answer ?
discard all questions "at the crossroads in your mind",
it doesn't matter which route you choose !!
Just "Be Good" - "Have Fun" - "Be Kind" !!

Adrian Osborne

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