Saturday, 2 February 2013

I’m still here - Tony Robert

Reclining in my comfy chair
Softly dozing without a care
Everyone asks “How are you”
I sometimes smile and I laugh too

Carers come to check I’m okay
Regular visits 3 times a day
People always in and out
“I’m still here” I want to shout

“Have you eaten, been to the loo?”
They want to know everything I do
They sometimes think that I’m not trying
But all this effort is very tiring

I maybe taking a bit too long
But these days I don’t feel so strong
Used to labour all the day
Milking cows, baling hay

Worked from dawn until sunset
Farm works hard, there’s no rest
Loved being in the open air
Fit and healthy with love to share

Raised a family the best I could
Taught them to be honest and good
Now I’m old and not so agile
They can see I’m a little bit fragile

Good old Dad they often say
He made us what we are today
And they seem so very glad
To have a loving, caring Dad

I can’t respond but I hear
And sometimes shed a silent tear
I know how much they care you know
If only I could tell them so

My family are really good to me
It’s the way that it should be
A seed once planted starts to grow
Remember, you reap what you sow.

Tony Robert

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