Wednesday, 27 February 2013

AWOL - Aindre Reece-Sheerin

4 and 6 or thereabouts
time creates a haze and also creates doubts
there never were any fights and few shouts
but lots of silence and many pouts

4 and 6 few questions asked
one scream, just one scream
'I don't want to go back there
not without you

and yet, in time and distance not far
a coward was found and well above par
to give you up and without a fight
the regrets every day but no-one has right

nor dominion, of one over other
the hurt, the leaving
not communicating or not knowing how
the feeling of utter desperation

but being so much older now
the tears, the pain come back again and again
can't go back, would if we could
wonder if we should

knowing now all that has happened
the distain and perhaps rightly so

but is all this justifiably so
is there even contempt

Prayers asked, now in contemplation knowing full well,
we are our own masters and mistresses too
can we ever move forward, the likes of me and you
would you really change the past and me as well

4 and 6 in old money
may have been a price too much to pay
as I live, love and breathe
with a broken heart each day

Aindre Reece-Sheerin

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