Wednesday, 8 August 2012

The Flu - Jenny Hamon

I’m lying in bed
I’ve got the flu
Don’t want to get up
To go to the loo!

Every bone is aching
My head feels on fire
Oh why do I feel
Like I’m in the mire?

Oh how can I lay here
When there are jobs still to do
The dog needs a walk
And a meal to cook too.

Life just carries on
Even though it is tough
To just keep going
(Stop the world. I’ll get off)

I visit the Doctor
Now easier than said
He says just drink water
And go home to bed

I lay there in peace
And feel the warmth of my bed
I hope soon I’ll feel better
No more pain in my head

The only advantage
Of staying at home
Is that the Olympics are on
So why should I moan?

I have all the time
To watch the athletes compete
While I curl up
In my comfy seat.

I’ve followed the rules
And my temperature’s down
I’m starting to smile,
No continual frown

I wake up feeling good
I’m free from the pain
Good morning World
I feel human again!

Jenny Hamon

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