Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Mr. Brown - Pearl White Regan

Image Mr. Brown by Pearl White Regan

Mr. Brown - Pearl White Regan

In January I dropped a box
when shopping in the Town,
a man returned it to my arms
and I met Mr Brown.

‘Twas February quite near the end,
that we both met again;
We dashed to the same dry doorway
to shelter from the rain.

The March winds didn’t stop us
from meeting when we could,
we walked, and talked, and laughed a lot
the way that true friends should.

Then in the April showers
we ran across the sand,
and when the Sun was setting
we held each other’s hand.

May was quite exciting
we saw each other more,
He showed me lots of lovely scenes
I hadn’t seen before.

But June was quite the nicest month
the Sun was shining down,
When in a gown of sparking white
I married Mr. Brown.

Pearl White Regan

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