Sunday, 11 March 2012

Dan Dorey - James Willis

Is it that you know Dan Dorey?
For now it’ll be a bit less,
It’s not long I remember reading
Dan Dorey has died, on the press.

Is it you remember Dan Dorey?
He lived near the Hampshire, alone.
It was ninty steps for to get there,
And a hundred and fifty goin’ home.

It’s a fact you’d remember Dan Dorey,
He’d one of those memorable faces,
He’d travelled all around the world,
And various other places.

You’d never forget Dan Dorey
For he disarmed a German, barehanded.
He was caught celebratin’ gone curfu
When the Canadians in Diep had landed!

A well known man was Dan Dorey,
In the pubs and to the bookies as well,
Of his winnings he’d often talk proudly,
But of his losses he never would tell.

Lest anyone forgets Dan Dorey,
His name is carved out in stone,
“Dan’s Cottage” cut in the lintel
Over the door of his home.

James Willis

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