All Life is Precious - Lester Queripel

There’s that sign again..........’Baby on board’.
Is a baby’s life worth more in the name of the Lord?
Or is it paranoid parents being overprotective?
In that case why don’t they hire a detective?
A police escort would be the safest way.
Bodyguards to see them safely through the day.
Let’s not pretend!
Where does this paranoia end?
The simple fact cannot be ignored.
The sign should say ‘People on board’.
Because all life is precious.

There’s that sign again..........‘Baby on board’.
Is a baby’s life worth more in the name of the Lord?
Two people are smoking on the front seat.
Baby in a baby chair fast asleep.
All the windows are closed, no fresh air.
Isn’t there a cruel contradiction there somewhere?

There’s that sign again..........‘Baby on board’.
Is a baby’s life worth more in the name of the Lord?
The simple fact cannot be ignored.
The sign should say ‘People on board’.
Because all life is precious.

Lester Queripel

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