Saturday, 24 December 2022
A Guernsey Carol - Tony Gardner
In fields above the bay of Saints this moonlit Christmas night
A donkey's old folk memories rekindle and take flight
To that first night
The blessedness of Christmas Day steals over all the land
Enveloping each tree and field, the cattle where they stand
With glory grand.
Then to a donkey in the fields came age old memories strong,
How brilliant was the sky that night, how sweet the angels song
In radiance hung
That night Christ came to save us all, a pauper yet a King
Poor shepherds came to honour Him, the Lord of Everything
While angels sing
A donkey brought the blessed pair the long and torturous way
And stayed beside them through their trials, until that won'drous day
When softly in the hay
Our Lord reposed, at last God's gift so precious and so true
Here amongst us, God on earth, The prophesy come true
Life for me and you
In fields above the bay of Saints this moonlit Christmas night
A donkey's old folk memories rekindle and take flight
To that first night
To that first Christmas night.
Tony Gardner
Image : Pixabay - geralt
Tony Gardner