Wednesday, 6 July 2022
Tamara Lich - Kathy Figueroa
Tamara Lich is like Canada’s
Very own Joan of Arc
Though she didn’t lead soldiers to battle
But truckers to Ottawa to park
Where they were met with vitriol
Of the most calumnious kind
When a Liberal honcho to talk to
Was what they had hoped to find
The people longed to be heard
To make their concerns known
But for “mandated” impacts on their lives
Rude political disregard was shown
The truckers were defamed as “terrorists”
Lies were disseminated far and wide
And the person occupying Canada’s main office
Actually chose to run and hide
Similar to the men
Who declared Joan of Arc a witch
So have Liberal Parliamentarians
Reviled brave Tamara Lich
Though they can’t just seize her
And burn her at the stake
They can level charges of dubious merit
...Some possibly even fake
So, here’s to Tamara Lich
May she ever be brave and strong!
Canada, people still stand on guard for thee
Though some politicians pretend it’s wrong
Kathy Figueroa
Image : Toronto 99 Independent News
Kathy Figueroa,