Sunday, 3 July 2022

Rescue  Dog - Tony Gardner

There’s no need to flinch when I lift my hand
No need to cower each time I stand
No need to run when I come near
No need to tremble, I see your fear.
You can sleep with both eyes shut,
Don’t need to jump when you wake up
Your food is yours to eat in peace
No need to fight to keep your feast.
No need to lie on the cold, hard floor
The beds and the sofas are yours to explore
Don’t need to sit out in the rain
The house is your shelter, your new domain.
I cannot erase the memories and fears
Cannot compensate for those awful years
But all that we have and all that you see
Is yours, ….you’re now part of our family.

Tony Gardner

Image : Pixabay - Alexas_Fotos

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