Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Party Tricks - Oscar Milde

At a party, met a man,
intriguing fellow, very bright,
who told me of his clever plan:
something to do with trapping light
then harnessing it, cleverly,
to create, what, I don’t recall.
It was too technical for me
but he seemed really on the ball
and promised he would let me in
on this to make a lot of dough:
five hundred smackers to begin.
I’d be a fool if I said no.
I paid up front. He smiled and said,
You’re playing with The Big Boys now.
We parted. I went home to bed
to wife and to a late-night row.
The row became a noisy brawl.
She screamed, You spent five hundred quid!
I waited weeks for him to call.
My wife was right, he never did.

Oscar Milde

Image : Pixabay - LillyCantabile

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