Wednesday, 23 September 2020

My Kinda People - Mark Nicol

I salute thee, all the oddballs and weirdos out there who are unique in their beauty, who don’t give a damn about being silly and goofy, and who march to the beat of their own drum coz those are the ones who make the best music.

To all those who are outside of the norm, who don’t try to conform, and who don’t care whether they are deplored or adored, it’s within you where all the magic is stored, coz no one like you will come again or has been before.

So whether you’re a nitwit or a misfit, or you’re more screwy than a drill bit, whether you embrace it or refuse to admit it, all the things that make you, well, just different, adds colour to this world which would have been duller without your life and the way you have lived it.

Mark Nicol

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