Sunday, 6 September 2020

Guernsey Blood - Tony Gardner

Guernsey gache and Conger stew, parsnip soup and Beanjar too
Moulin Huet, Rocquaine Bay, parades on Liberation Day
Golden Guernsey cows and goats, beach hut baskets, Whoopee floats
L'Ancresse common, Castel hill, Hanois lighthouse beaming still
Belgreve and the Salerie, these things mean so much to me.

Talbot valley, Bathing pools, ghosts of Blanchelands clifftop schools
Pleinmont point, Fort Pezerie, Guernsey blood runs strong in me
The Cannon rock at Petit Port, the almost vanished Jerbourg Fort
Golfers on the L'Ancresse course, southern cliffs ablaze with gorse
Small streams tumbling to the sea, these things mean so much to me.

The Longfrie and the Wayside Cheer, "Pony" ales and "V.B." beer
Creasey's and Alladin's Cave, the Pollet and the States Arcade
Rouge Rue, Grand Rue, Vauquiedors, Keyprice and Le Riches Stores
Val de Terres and Vauxbelets, the little harbour at Saints Bay
Because I'm Guernsey bred you see, these things mean so much to me.

Tony Gardner

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