Sunday, 23 August 2020

A Crimp In My Snacking Routine - Kathy Figueroa

Tasty barbeque chips, how I’ve craved you so!
But have had to do without, for to the store I rarely go
And honey-roasted peanuts are such a delight!
But these persistent yearnings, I’ve long had to fight

This pandemic has definitely put a crimp
In my daily snacking routine
And forced me to limit my munching
To what’s at hand, and usually green

Though nutritious wild violet leaves
Are abundant out of doors
They don’t pack the zip of a chip
Or other delicious stuff you get at the stores

Risking a brush with a coronavirus
That’s mean and highly detrimental
Inspires a certain fear
That’s primal and elemental

So, if to the supermarket,
I feel I must make a jaunt
Careful advance consideration
Is given to exactly what I want

A strategy is devised:
When will the least tourists likely be there?
Is hand sanitizer in my purse?
What sort of mask should I wear?

Shall I don the clear plastic face shield
That allows me to breathe free?
Or that paper surgical-type mask
Which fogs my glasses 'til I can barely see?

Yes, there are many details
To be given consideration and forethought
Before I head out shopping - so groceries,
Including snack food, can be safely bought.

Kathy Figueroa

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