Sunday, 30 August 2020

Constructive Thoughts - Stephen A. Roberts

There is no satisfaction in
the pushing of the pen
helping to make money
for the suited men

For years my soft hands
and mind served these fools
before I found my true love
was wielding power tools

The whine of the bandsaw
the smell of fresh cut wood
the sweat leaking from me
felt equally as good

Pavilions and pergolas were
created with my hands
solid and enduring on
life’s shifting sands

No more presentations
of sales graphs and trends
running things up the flagpole
as a means to an end

My tangible constructions
rise up from the earth
spreadsheets are forgotten
I’ve found a new sense of worth

Stephen A. Roberts

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Angels - Richard Fleming

We helped him up and steadied him,
saw his wild eyes, spoke soothingly.
You took his arm, his state was grim,
and smiled, nodded approvingly.
Though taciturn, he made it clear
he simply wished to disappear.

We took him home. He lived nearby:
a tall, unlighted terraced place.
He went inside, without goodbye,
and now I can’t recall his face
but that night, passing, it was right
to minister as angels might.

Richard Fleming

Sunday, 23 August 2020

A Crimp In My Snacking Routine - Kathy Figueroa

Tasty barbeque chips, how I’ve craved you so!
But have had to do without, for to the store I rarely go
And honey-roasted peanuts are such a delight!
But these persistent yearnings, I’ve long had to fight

This pandemic has definitely put a crimp
In my daily snacking routine
And forced me to limit my munching
To what’s at hand, and usually green

Though nutritious wild violet leaves
Are abundant out of doors
They don’t pack the zip of a chip
Or other delicious stuff you get at the stores

Risking a brush with a coronavirus
That’s mean and highly detrimental
Inspires a certain fear
That’s primal and elemental

So, if to the supermarket,
I feel I must make a jaunt
Careful advance consideration
Is given to exactly what I want

A strategy is devised:
When will the least tourists likely be there?
Is hand sanitizer in my purse?
What sort of mask should I wear?

Shall I don the clear plastic face shield
That allows me to breathe free?
Or that paper surgical-type mask
Which fogs my glasses 'til I can barely see?

Yes, there are many details
To be given consideration and forethought
Before I head out shopping - so groceries,
Including snack food, can be safely bought.

Kathy Figueroa

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Waiting - Diane Scantlebury

She’s waiting,
Waiting to be held,
To be touched,
To be kissed,
Her arms are aching,
To encircle,
To enfold,
To embrace,
She’s lonely,
Time’s passing,
Too slowly,
So she’s still waiting,
To be released,
For her freedom.

Diane Scantlebury

Sunday, 16 August 2020

All You Ever Do (Is Break My Heart) - Ian Duquemin

You say that you don't love me anymore
But I've heard that same old story, so many times before
So go ahead and leave me
I don't need you to explain
As I know that when you've had your fun
You'll turn up once again
All you ever do is break my heart
But I miss you every moment, that you and I must be apart
I know this may sound crazy…
But I'll wait right here for you
And dwell on all the pain, that you're about to put me through

And soon enough, you'll call me on the phone
You'll tell me that you're sorry, and you want to come back home
And like a fool, I'll let you in…
Just like I have before
So you can do your very best, to hurt a little more
As all you ever do is break my heart
You rip it up, not satisfied, until it falls apart
I know you think I'm crazy…
But I'll hang around for you
Like broken hearted lovers, are known to often do

So here we go again...
I guess I haven't learned
That playing with this fire…
I'm bound to end up getting burned
But I can't stay away from you, no matter how I try
And many times I've asked myself, but still I don't know why
As all you ever do is break my heart
The stitches come undone…
Then my whole world just falls apart
I know I must be crazy...
But no matter what you do
How ever much you hurt me, I just keep on loving you

Ian Duquemin

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Moonless Sky - Lyndon Queripel

Circles of light spin through the night
The Moonless sky is falling apart
Could it be the hand of God I see
Coming to capture my sinful heart
Time and space leave no hiding place
So was it the Rapture about to start
Or would I find that it’s all in my mind
Just the dancing illusion of a black art ?

Lyndon Queripel

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Two For Joy - Tony Gardner

One for sorrow, two for joy,
But any number cheers this boy.
Always checking land or sky
Hoping hard to spot a 'Pie'
Magpies are the smartest birds
Some even echoing our words
Smart of coat and smart of brain
Playful, sometimes raising Cain.
Years ago I found a chick
Fallen from it's nest on high
Took it home, handfed and reared
That fledgling to an adult bird.
At six months old, I let her go
She lingered, but at last she flew
And I swear she always knew
Where she could find a scrap or two
Maggies always were around
Our bird table or on the ground
Her name was 'Peggy', that is why
From all the birds that I see fly
My favourite is the Maggie Pie.

Tony Gardner

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Till Death Us Do Part - Edgar Allan Poet

I cannot stand my ghastly wife:
instead, I love her sister, dear.
The former one pollutes my life.
The latter woman I revere.
I’ve hatched a plot to rid me of
my wife, I’ve simply had enough.

I’ve put rat-poison in a cake:
my wife is fond of sweets and treats.
One slice is all she’ll have to take:
rich cream will guarantee she eats
then she’ll be gone and I’ll have Maud.
It’s simple: just give fate a prod.

Maud’s phoned me to my work and said
she’s at our house to tend my wife
who’s got the sniffles, gone to bed:
there’s germs around and flu is rife.
I fear I’ve made a great mistake:
Maud’s brewed some tea and scoffed the cake.

Edgar Allan Poet

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Fearless - Stephen A. Roberts

Fearless they plunge
in their flimsy youth
into the depths
of the future

Indestructible they are
inured by the belief
that the sea
is their friend

If only their coming
plunge into life
would be so
naively simple

Stephen A. Roberts

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