Sunday, 29 September 2019

Listen - Richard Fleming

to the children cry.
Hear their words of exhortation.

to the children cry.
Hear their words of accusation.

Black, poisoned streams, polluted seas,
bleak deserts where once were lush plains,
species extinct, no beasts, no bees:
all this for quick financial gains.
No grass, no flowers, no forest trees,
just unforgiving acid rains.

Our ill-tempered abdication of all responsibility validates their accusation of our culpability.

Though time is short we have a chance
to change, to redirect our powers.
Our standard stance, indifference,
is challenged as the planet sours,
for every child’s inheritance
is compromised: the fault is ours.

to the children cry
Hear their words of consternation.

to the children cry.
Hear their words of desperation.

Richard Fleming

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