I wondered where I came from
So I searched my Family Tree
It led down different pathways
And I chose Le Patourel, me
I found branches peopled
By Douzainiers and parish men
And of sailors, maybe pirates
Whose fortunes prospered when
The privateers ruled all the seas
And somehow Piracy was right
The King had said the prize goes
To the strongest in the fight
I left them fighting mercenaries
While I edged along the tree
Through mists of years, of Time
Til on a branch regrettably
I saw a far-off cousin burn
In flames and agony
Called a Witch in ignorance
And tortured cruelly
Now we live an enlightened Life
Our freedoms all hard won
We owe it all to battles fought
By those long dead and gone.
Tony Gardner
Sunday, 1 September 2019
Checking out the Family Tree (Gardner, Le Sauvage, Le Patourel, De La Mare) - Tony Gardner
Tony Gardner