Sunday, 3 February 2019

The Groundhog’s Longing - Kathy Figueroa


The groundhog felt a longing
'Twas a most peculiar thing
A strange stirring in the soul
Could it be a sign of spring?

He pined for warmer weather
Which he hoped was on its way
So in his damp, dark burrow
He'd no longer have to stay

His empty stomach rumbled
As he thought of tender shoots
Because all he'd had for months
Were some tough, dirt-covered roots

He remembered his own kind
How they'd frolicked in the sun
He ached for companionship
And needed fresh air and fun

So down his hallway tunnel
He scurried to his front door
In great anticipation
Of many good things in store

Would expectations be met
And his ardent hopes come true?
Would his sore heart leap for joy
That winter was nearly through?

The answers to these questions
Will be revealed, at long last
Come February 2nd
And the Groundhog Day forecast!

Kathy Figueroa

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