Sunday, 10 February 2019
Scratch Card Heaven - Donald Keyman
Give us this day our daily bread
So that we can give it all to Super Fred
We'll take it wholemeal or unleavened, 'cos
We're living in a scratch card heaven
Take the widow's final mite
So that maybe the widow might
Win 5 grand or maybe 7, 'cos
She's living in a scratch card heaven
This then is the poverty trap
Why earn more just to pay it back
She needs some cash for baby Kevin
Born into a scratch card heaven
The cardboard carpet at her feet is
Made of hopes the gamble didn't meet
Some will win but she will never
Escape the hell of scratch card heaven
Her sad addiction is filling up the pot
There's 9 million reasons why it won't stop
A balanced budget is where we're heading
Using the manna from scratch card heaven
Donald Keyman
Donald Keyman,