Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Angry Rural Folks Went To Town - Kathy Figueroa

A truck burns during a "Yellow vest" protest in Paris ©Reuters/Benoit Tessier 

I’m glad I wasn’t in Paris today,
Sipping coffee on the Champs-Élysées,
When a huge riot and conflagration
Erupted in front of a shocked nation.

A fuel tax hike caused intense widespread ire,
Which resulted in unleashed rage and fire,
When 5,000 came to show discontent,
Demonstrate en masse, and violently vent.

They questioned President Macron's choices,
By collectively raising their voices.
November 24th, a Saturday,
The public’s anger was on full display.

Higher tax was simply too much to bear,
And it was clearly felt to be unfair.
The standard of living was going down,
Hence the angry rural folks went to town….

Kathy Figueroa

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