The Ancient Mariner (A Sequel) - Richard Fleming

The Mariner from days of yore
(you may have read the tragic tale)
spent his pathetic days ashore
and, to all passers-by, he’d wail

about a curse, and have them check the albatross slung round his neck.
A grim and sad yarn, poor old goat: but that’s what Mr Coleridge wrote.

There is an update, I must tell:
a sequel, to be more precise,
a story that does not end well,
that really isn’t very nice.

By some fluke chance, the albatross, thought dead, woke up, and it was cross.
It started on a pecking spree: it pecked his arm, it pecked his knee,

it pecked him all about the head,
until the ancient sailor cried:
"Get off vile brute, I thought you dead!"
He fought it off but, though he tried,

no strategy was efficacious: the albatross was so tenacious.
At last, to gain his liberty, the Mariner fled back to sea.

Richard Fleming

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