Monday, 15 June 2015

No Time To Waste - Tony Bradley

Now I know why your life was such a rush,
it always had to be now,
you couldn't wait 'til tomorrow
for the when, the where, the how.

You had such fanciful ideas, such dreams
yet simple things in life gave you pleasure,
but all the chores you devoured in earnest,
leaving time for your passions, never leisure.

You were always pushing, urging
You could never slow down, or wait
it's as if you had some appointment
and knew you couldn't be late.

So much energy, such hunger, such thirst
and too few days for your dreams
You never did it all in your full short life
ended so soon, so cruelly it seems.

It seems people like you, who live with a fire,
It's because their time won't be long,
I know you lived a lot more than many
who just grow old, like an unsung song.

Tony Bradley

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