Tuesday, 30 June 2015

I Tip My Cap To La Hague - Lyndon Queripel

I tip my cap to La Hague
And the French government
I'm sure we'll be the first to know
In the event of any accident

I tip my cap to La Hague
It makes me feel so secure
As the sea weed turns to red
Washed up on Guernsey's shore

I tip my cap to La Hague
In complete satisfaction
Our coastal electric currents
Are the latest beach attraction

I tip my cap to La Hague
And nobody can deny
The benefits of nuclear neighbours
Now we've bigger fish to fry

I tip my cap to La Hague
It's boosted our tourist industry
People come from the World over
Just for the colour of our sea

I tip my cap to La Hague
Look up at the changing sky
Clouds are seen turning green
As they go on rolling by

I tip my cap to La Hague
The tide is very high today
And we've enough problems
With sewage in Belle Greve Bay

I tip my cap to La Hague
Turn around from where I stand
Stumbling on the crumbling rock
And slipping on the shifting sand.

Lyndon Queripel

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