When I heard the news
No tears or words came,
I couldn’t even say your name,
Standing in the middle of the room
Mouthing, but I was struck dumb,
Clutching the phone, cold and numb,
Wondering how it was possible
For one so young to slip,
Away from us and lose life’s grip,
A lovely, gentle, caring man
Just when your future was about to unfold,
The world caved in and you lost your hold,
In the shock of the news
No tears or words came,
But Phil be at peace
Now I can cry and say your name.
Diane Scantlebury
Thursday, 2 April 2015
Blog Archive
- Watching From the Beach - Diane Scantlebury
- Suitcases - Richard Fleming
- Folk Law - Lyndon Queripel
- The Treehouse - Bryony de Lat
- Vestige - Ian Duquemin
- Keeper of the Flames - Katherine Svensson
- Tamerton Creek - Tony Bradley
- Temptation - John E Blaise
- Over - Trudie Shannon
- No Laughing Matter - Tony Bradley
- Dead Head (My Grain Or Yours) - Lyndon Queripel
- A Glasshouse - Peter Kenny
- The Missing Part Of Me - Ian Duquemin
- Harp - Diane Scantlebury
- Fragments Of You - Bryony de Lat
- Harvest (Cluster Bombs) - John Buchanan
- Refugee - Richard Fleming
- The Chain Ferry - Bryony de Lat
- Insomnia - Lyndon Queripel
- The Sark Folk Festival 2014 - James Willis
- Why? - Diane Scantlebury
- In Fear Of Me - Ian Duquemin
- Beyond - Shannon Shell
- The Companion - John Buchanan
- Repeatoire - Lyndon Queripel
- Somebody Missing - Bryony de Lat
- Reflecting On My Life - Jay Cee
- The Carpenter - Stephen A. Roberts
- Thinking of Phil - Diane Scantlebury
- Mother Rose - Ian Duquemin