Sunday, 19 April 2015
A Glasshouse - Peter Kenny
A collapsing umbrella,
its tottering frame rotten.
I crunch through a crooked door
on glass chunks like punched out teeth
and trespass in an Eden
of bramble, dock and bracken
serpented by fractured pipes.
I stand here to remember
when workmen’s shadows lengthened
against this whitewashed glass.
But something then disturbs me:
a plane, maybe, or the wind
making a ruined music
among the raddled panes.
Airborne once from Alderney
I glimpsed a summer Guernsey,
cuddled by the setting sun,
with all her glass glistering.
My Sarnia, my Sarnia Cherie,
faceted by industry
like a gemstone in the sea.
Peter Kenny
This poem was first published in A Guernsey Double by Richard Fleming and Peter Kenny. Peter's latest collection is called The Nightwork and is published by The Telltale Press.
Peter Kenny,
Blog Archive
- Watching From the Beach - Diane Scantlebury
- Suitcases - Richard Fleming
- Folk Law - Lyndon Queripel
- The Treehouse - Bryony de Lat
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- Tamerton Creek - Tony Bradley
- Temptation - John E Blaise
- Over - Trudie Shannon
- No Laughing Matter - Tony Bradley
- Dead Head (My Grain Or Yours) - Lyndon Queripel
- A Glasshouse - Peter Kenny
- The Missing Part Of Me - Ian Duquemin
- Harp - Diane Scantlebury
- Fragments Of You - Bryony de Lat
- Harvest (Cluster Bombs) - John Buchanan
- Refugee - Richard Fleming
- The Chain Ferry - Bryony de Lat
- Insomnia - Lyndon Queripel
- The Sark Folk Festival 2014 - James Willis
- Why? - Diane Scantlebury
- In Fear Of Me - Ian Duquemin
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