day upon day of endless youth it feels
I spent swimming in the douit with eels
or outside the house-front in scorching sun
in a hot yellow sand-pile of desert fun
down Houmet beach reached through the fern
my freckle-tender skin was quick to burn
under high azure skies and lazy Dakota drone
I moved plastic soldiers amongst the stones
So: my first memory - was I five?
what happened to the other four years I'd been alive?
was my first memory a warm and sticky feeling -
then my Mother scolding, Mother kneeling?
or was it Dad's mint-green Ford Anglia van -
and evening shouts from the mackerel man?
my first memory might be one of these
or lost,
among the poplar trees
on the way to school
Stephen A. Roberts
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Blog Archive
- To Beauty, A Prayer - Kathy Figueroa
- Still Only 62p A Litre - Stephen A. Roberts
- The Horses Are On The Track - Chris Hudson
- Can’t Complain - Diane Scantlebury
- The Knowing - Susan Jones
- A Very Short Journey - Marianna Pliakou
- Large Animal - John E Blaise
- Poem From The Hippie Days - Kathy Figueroa
- Beauteous Morn To See The Day - Chris Hudson
- Golgotha - Joan Raleigh
- Not Sad - Diane Scantlebury
- The Bones Of It - Susan Jones
- First Memory? - Stephen A. Roberts
- Sorry Peter, Paul and Mary - John E Blaise
- A Place of Pride - Janet
- Behind Bars - Chris Hudson
- Fighting Alligators - John Buchanan
- Never the Right Time - Diane Scantlebury
- To Rhyme Or Not To Rhyme - Janet
- Unlimited Resources - Rod Ferbrache
- A Different Road - Chris Hudson
- Contented Soul - Diane Scantlebury
- Ode To Free Verse - Stephen A. Roberts
- Rhymosaurus - Kathy Figueroa
- A Different Planet - Chris Hudson