Sunday, 20 April 2014

Beauteous Morn To See The Day - Chris Hudson

Beauteous morn to see the day
Young babe sleeping in a manger lay

Peaceful, innocent and so full of life.

Every day is wondrous when you are so young
Fresh and bright and miraculous, when the day is done
Youth of shining bright eyes, striding through the mist
Meeting with your friends, you know you must be kissed
Childhood tales of legions, galleons and spoil
The evil plans of villans, daily you must foil
Tantrums so deep and dark, it seems the world must end
Christmas cards and presents, thankyou letters you must send
Of fairytales and castles, and damsels in distress
To gain access to the castle you must climb the golden tress
The first words come, you’re talking
Soon everywhere you will be walking
Learn to play? It comes naturally
As all life’s wonders you must see
In my child’s eyes I see the universe
A miniature world inside there trapped
What before was seen in silence
Now with babbles must be mapped
Life’s a lifelong journey, with hurdles to overcome
The parents will soon be much relieved
When you can wipe your bum!
Long journey in the dark into the day is born
The curtain is rent asunder with the coming of the dawn
Then fresh as dewdrops on the grass
A soul is born, unique at last
The miracle of life never ceases to amaze
While darker thoughts and complex plans do occupy our days
The glory of Creation, life’s pleasures to enjoy
Then out the door, off you go into the world’s employ
But keep a little corner of your soul in paradise
Don’t forget you were once a child, and heed my advice
In children there is a wisdom, so straight and true and fine
And a kind of beauty that reaches up to the sublime
This inner wisdom- from whence it came?
Makes me think we live- and yet- live again
Billions of years of evolution are programmed in every cell
Your childhood years determine, if, or not, you will do well
Remember as you pass through life, you were at heaven’s gate wrought
The truth and love of childhood, with gold cannot be bought!

Chris Hudson

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