Saturday, 3 August 2013

Travel Merry Go Round - Diane Scantlebury

Dashing through the airport
Trying to catch a plane,
Flight delays and mayhem
It’s totally insane,
Hurry, hurry, hurry
Gate closing, hopes in vane?
We’re on the travel merry go round
So here we go again,

Speeding through the tunnel
On the Gatwick train,
Stacked with cases to the gunnels
And passengers just the same,
Hearts are racing faster
In rhythm with the track,
Nonstop from Victoria
No chance of turning back,

“Tickets please” at the barrier
You’ve lost yours
Typical you know,
It’s gone to paper heaven
That place where documents go,
Got to get to check in
Got no time for this,
Let me through you jobs worth
I really must insist!

Suitcase so, so heavy
Not regulation weight,
Take a risk, no time to unpack
You’re running far too late,
A couple of kilos over
They reprimand the crime,
Grudgingly release the boarding pass
And let you off this time,

Now dashing through the airport
Trying to catch your plane,
Flight delays and mayhem
It’s totally insane,
Hurry, hurry, hurry
Gate closed, hopes were in vane,
You’re on the travel merry go round
So there you go again!

Diane Scantlebury

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