Tuesday, 27 August 2013

My Guide - Suzanne O'Keeffe

I don’t know who you are,
But Ive seen you in my dreams,
I see in you in my visions,
On every eye sight gleam.
Whenever I am lost,
I feel your gentle push,
I see you looking back at me
And telling me not too rush.
Whenever I feel lonely,
And the pressure is weighing me down,
Your pull on the reigns of your horse,
And wave a hand in front my frown.
You never say a word to me,
You just make those wisdom gestures,
You make me stop to think again,
And remember life’s little pleasures.
I hear you playing the wooden flute,
As you ride on ahead of me,
You always seem so astute,
You reflect and erase bad memories.
I see the sand blowing across your dark skinned face,
In all your seriousness you have a refreshing grace,
Youve been with me since I was born and id love to hear you talk,
For you have been my ”Indian guide” since the day I could walk.
As I write this poem you are now sat next to me,
You are as calm and relaxing as the wave upon the sea.
Though you do not talk Im not sure if you can,
But I’d like to thank you for being my “Indian Man”.

Suzanne O'Keeffe

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