Thursday, 25 July 2013

Sunburn - Jenny Hamon

I think that when the sun comes out
We all would like a tan
And so we expose our pale skin
Soaking up the rays we can

The people who have studied it
Say we must protect our skin
Just use a high protection cream
Slap it on and rub it in

Years ago it was the fashion
To slather on olive oil
With just a touch of lemon juice
And then lay out and boil

This caused you to be slippery
Just like a fresh caught fish
I think it would be more useful
To toss a salad in a dish

But if we over-do it
We moisturise with “After Sun”
We never had these posh creams
When we had burnt our bum!

Mum used to put on vinegar
To take the heat from my skin
Apart from smelling like a chip
Oh boy did it make it sting!

So cover up and be sensible
When the sun comes out to play
We really want to keep safe
Or in the end we’ll pay

Jenny Hamon

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