Saturday, 27 April 2013

The Infernal Combustion Engine - Lyndon Queripel

"Piston broke!”
“You are?”
“No, my car.”
“You could choke on the smoke
And not only that
A front tyre went flat
The radiator burst
And if that wasn't the worst
It had to breakdown
In the middle of town,
In the pouring rain.”
“Oh, what a pain.”
“Yes,it was no joke,
Just another stroke
Of bad luck of course.”
“So, what did the garage
Have to say by the way ?”
“Well, they recommended
Not to get it mended.
It's not worth it you see ?”
“But was there no warranty
“Or even any guarantee ?”
“No, but the mechanic chap
Said they'd scrap it for free.”
“Hey, what's this thing for?
I found it on the floor.
By the back wheel.
It's stainless steel.”
“Who knows where that bit goes?”
“Well, I suppose .....
You could try riding a horse!”

Lyndon Queripel

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