Saturday, 27 April 2013

Competition Winner - April 2013
Optimist Primed ~ Tranformed - Adrian Osborne

Image Source: John Buchanan

The image above is called 'Just Resting'. It was taken by John Buchanan.

Optimist Primed ~ Tranformed - Adrian Osborne

So many eyes behold the change,
the awesome transformation seems to be somewhat complete
but look, a thousand variations are now presented to our minds
each one of us that views the process? Sees a very different end..
for some ? the warmth of flame comes roaring forth.
for others ? the promise of a stylish furnished room.
for me ? a place to charcoal scribe my optimistic thoughts
deep within the giants very heart,
for you ? the process flows with you to where ever you’ll imagine,
But for most ? it’s just a fallen tree, that crashed upon the ground.

Adrian Osborne

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