The crashing seas upon our shore
Bring flotsam and jetsam for us to endure
Because in these days of plastic packs
The sea just washes these things back.
A wander along the high tide mark
Exposes things jettisoned after dark.
A rubber shoe, some empty cans
Tossed over the wall from someone’s van.
Besides the local rubbish here
The sea returns things from yester year.
How long did the bottle take to float
Across the ocean, or thrown from a boat?
Fishing nets, a broken crab pot,
A bundle of rope tied in a knot
A fish tray and a bright red float
Washed over from a fishing boat.
The rubbish washed up from the deep
Are treasures we are forced to keep
As many years hence, everyone knows
These things will never decompose.
Maybe we must have a think
Before this rubbish is on the brink
Of taking over everything,
And killing the gifts the oceans bring.
Let’s keep the beaches as nature’s way
Or a terrible price we all will pay.
Teach future generations how to live
And to appreciate their heritage.
Jenny Hamon
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Blog Archive
- Halloween - Jenny Hamon
- The Pumpkin Beast - Kathy Figueroa
- Competition Winner - October 2012Autumn Colours' -...
- Progress - Lyndon Queripel
- Broken Arrows - Lyndon Queripel
- Back to GMT - Jenny Hamon
- Winter - Julie Gallienne
- Party Piece - Lyndon Queripel
- Grand Prix Heroes - Lyndon Queripel
- Sitting In A Bar At the Airport - Andrew Barham
- I Did It For You Mum - Shannon Shell
- October - Martyn Legg
- Standby - Andrew Barham
- Acrobatic Poetry - Fred Williamson and Lester Quer...
- Save our Seas - Jenny Hamon
- Raven Rules - Andrew Barham
- I’m Looking For A Minute - Lester Queripel