Sunday, 19 December 2021
Ten Days Before Christmas 2021 - Kathy Figueroa
'Twas ten days before Christmas
The weather was drear
And people in Canada
Were experiencing fear
A sense of gloom
Was felt everywhere
As Virus Omicron
Hung in the air
New government restrictions
Took more rights away
And the pandemic made everyone
Fretful, not gay
People socially distanced
They stayed well apart
And the strain on their lives
Made an ache in their heart
There wasn’t a lot
That filled folks with joy
It seemed daily news
Was designed to annoy
The media blared
That predictions were bleak
And a third booster shot
Was what jabbed folks should seek
For the virus multiplied
Incredibly fast
And it looked like forever
The pandemic would last
So over the season
Was cast a pall
And people didn’t feel
Very merry at all
Businesses floundered
Money was tight
As the pandemic’s end
Was nowhere in sight
Prices went up
People were concerned
Things started to cost
Much more than folks earned
Breakups and suicides
Were on the rise
Propaganda spread facts
But some were shown to be lies
It was a time without merriment
Without social life, without mirth
A time to make you worry
About man’s fate on this Earth
People began to wonder
“How will this end?”
It was like humanity
Needed a friend
But as Christmas Day
Drew nearer and nearer
The true reason to celebrate
Became clearer and clearer
It wasn’t about presents
Parties and food
It was more about
Heartfelt gratitude
It was about faith
And miracles wrought
About good news for man
That Jesus Christ brought
A way to ease
Burdens of the soul
A way to make
Broken spirits whole
So we celebrate
His compassion and caring
His way of life
Of kind deeds and sharing
Though times are rough
And, of the virus, we’re fearful
Remembering “the reason for the season”
Will help us feel cheerful!
No matter the race
Culture, or creed
Good news is something
That we ALL need
Kathy Figueroa
Image : Pixabay - GlauchauCity
Kathy Figueroa,