Sunday, 15 August 2021

Hope - Sarah Alexander

I am old now
My eyes peer out from wrinkled flaps of skin
Age bleached in a crumpled canvas

The sisters tend me silently
Bringing with them the coldness of hours spent in solitary prayer
I have walked this earth for centuries
My penance for robbing its innocence

Long ago I danced with my sisters, our feet
bruising the grass, our voices raised to celebrate the passing of the seasons
A time gone by
When we found truth in the stars and sky

But a multitude of voices called to me, plaintive and gilded with honey
I listened. I reached out a hand and in a moment the casket was emptied

None but I now bear witness to the plague unleashed
That has crushed our souls, buried our children and twisted our thoughts ever since
Then in the midst a single voice spoke
It said let me out sister for I am Hope

A small winged creature whiter than foam on the sea brushed my cheek gently and drifted away
I am Hope - look to me in your darkness and pain
I see your sorrow. I know your name.

So I wait now, my spirit housed in this tattered shroud
I wait for Hope to return, give me peace and light my way home.

Sarah Alexander

Image : Pixabay - Sinousxl

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