Sunday, 20 June 2021

Social ? Media - Ian Renouf-Watkins

She ghosted me man, ‘like’ totally cut me off
He posted me girl, ‘like’ totally in the buff
Influencers tend to their mindless herds
‘Random’ and senseless as utter turds

Swiping a screen has become such a habit
Thumbs get more sex than an average rabbit
Instant answers even when wrong
Like prefab intelligence very soon gone

Vocabulary is ‘so like’ mmm, ‘so not’ good
That congenital idiots appear understood
Messaging via an ‘app’ is apparently talking
And straightforward dialogue totally insulting

Feminism has been replaced in a makeover
Pictured powdered girls pouting moreover 
Trying so hard to look ‘so’ just perfect
Going too far and ‘like’ losing self-respect

Hairless air-brushed bodies presented
Girls and boys ‘so’ mentally stunted
Swipe left for no and ‘like’ right for yes
It’s hardly surprising they’re a total mess

Turn off the phone then ‘like’ leave it alone
Surgically extract it from your hand bones
Look up not down and perhaps be totally cool
And don’t get run over on the way to f’ing school

Ian Renouf-Watkins

Image : Pixabay - Firmbee

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